It wouldn't be fair just to start a new theme, as people have already entered a lot of great pictures for this theme. And I need someone to choose the next one!
The theme was "Water we gunna do?" The picture had to include a Mini and water, it didn't have to be the sea or a lake, it could have just been a bottle or a hose pipe
Your vote should be based on creativity, visual impact and overall wow factor. Not based on how good somebodies SLR is compared to a compact or mobile phone.
So, after all this time, let the voting commence!
1977 Loud_Mini
Good luck everybody!
All votes are final, Voting will end on Friday 02/12/2011 at 23:00 where the winner shall then be announced the following day 03/12/2011 and the next 'Mission' will also be decided upon by the winner and announced. If the winner has not decided or got in contact within 48hrs after voting ends then 2nd place will get to decide.
Recon Mission: 4 - "Water we gunna do?" - Entries
Edited by DanNomNom, 02 December 2011 - 11:06 PM.