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Aldon Red/yellow Advance Curves

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#1 KernowCooper



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Posted 15 April 2014 - 06:00 PM

As we have lots of questions here about Aldon Distributors, I have spoken to Aldon and had the information on the curves on the Aldon Red/Yellow sent to me for publication here.


Remember Distributor revs is HALF engine revs, so 2500rpm of Distributor Revs = 5000rpm of Engine Revs


You can see from the chart below the Aldon Red needs more advance initial advance and is for RACE APPLICATIONS ONLY, and is not suitable for road use.




As a example on the Aldon Yellow if you set the timing at 1000rpm where there is no mechanical advance (Distributor Advance at 500rpm = 0degs) at 10degs then the total advance of the Aldon Yellow would be 24degs +10degs making 34degs max advance.


If you were to wrongly think your Road Engine needs a Aldon Red and set your timing to 8degs at 1000rpm then the Red Advance Curve gives 10degs of Distributor Advance = 20degs of engine advance the max advance would be 28degs at engine revs, also if you look at the stages of advance the Aldon Red does not have a much mechanical advance through the range.


The Aldon Yellow should be fitted with a Vacuum Advance Unit for road use,which is available direct from Aldon.


Hope this gives a insight into Advance Curves and if you actually need a modified advance curve. If you carry out engine mods, Head/Cam/CR then your standard Distributor Curve will not be providing the correct advance at points in the rev range.

Attached Files

Edited by KernowCooper, 15 April 2014 - 09:24 PM.

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