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how do you use the standard rover mini car jack?.. I don't have access to any other tools just need to change the front left... please help!
Dec 02 2012 12:05 PM
  • Artful Dodger's Photo
    Artful Dodger
    The tiny little stubby but goes in the hole / jacking point in the sill. If its a rusty car you will damage it, and it may even fall of. Use with extreme care! Put something under the car when it's jacked up, doesn't matter what it is, wood, tyre, bricks (under subframe). Good luck! Don't just wind it up, listen / watch for sill / inner sill movement and cracking sounds
    Dec 02 2012 12:22 PM
  • Noah's Photo
    Stay the fudge away, leave it. Go too your nearest halfords and get a Scissor jack anything, just stay away from that.
    Dec 02 2012 02:05 PM
  • 0525116's Photo
    thanks for the replys guys, I didn't feel that comfortable in using it, so called out breakdown cover company to change it instead, I'll have to invest in a Scissor jack!.
    Dec 02 2012 05:12 PM