Space Saving Sub Enclosures
Posted 01 March 2010 - 04:11 PM
Posted 01 March 2010 - 07:31 PM
I managed to carpet the box with the help of a houemate, keeping folds and ripples to a minimum, and it looks absolutely mint.
The problem about fitting though, and it being too tight for the bin is still and issue. Even forcing the encolsre in doesn't work, so it look sas though i may have to cut a small bit of the back of the bin away to make it fit perfectly. Hopefully there will be another way to make it fit fine becuase i really don't want to have to cut the bin.
I tried to take some pictures this evening when we got it all finished but my phone camera isn't quite the same quality of an SLR, so all the photos were cr*.
Photos will follow tomorrow afternoon with the progress we made.
Posted 02 March 2010 - 10:04 PM
Does anybody have any ingenious suggestions as to how i can find out where i'v got a whole in the enclosure?? (without putting it under water)
Posted 02 March 2010 - 10:17 PM
Posted 02 March 2010 - 10:20 PM
Love what your doing - always nice to see someone making something one of a kind.
If i had an air leak, i would first of all use silicon on the inside around the edges. Then when it's dry, some kind of sealant over the whole of the inside. Possibly PVA? Best to ask at a DIY shop.
Good luck
Posted 02 March 2010 - 11:57 PM
Hi Carts60,
Love what your doing - always nice to see someone making something one of a kind.
If i had an air leak, i would first of all use silicon on the inside around the edges. Then when it's dry, some kind of sealant over the whole of the inside. Possibly PVA? Best to ask at a DIY shop.
Good luck
Don't know whether u havent looked at the photos but i'v actually covered all the joint inside and outside with silicone and also glue gun. Im fairly sure that the leak is coming from around the ring. I think i might just have to take the carpet off, whack some filler on the speaker ring and sand it flat. That should do the job - its a bloody effort though.
I'll put up more progress on the second box and whats going on with the first if i get time tomorrow.
Cheers for the talk idea bungle, very clever.
Posted 03 March 2010 - 05:28 PM
So far, over the past few days, i'v managed to knock up the second box frame out of MDF, cover it in t-shirt and i finished putting the first layer of fiberglass resin on about half an hour ago - it's currently sitting close to the radiator to speed up the curing process.
Come tomorrow, i'l get on the second layer of fiberglass and possibly even the third...
Posted 05 March 2010 - 07:05 PM
In the evening i siliconed all the joins between MDF and fiberglass that i though some air may escape from and cut out, soldered & wired the terminal
Today after lectures, I managed to carpet the second box, wire in and fit the sub to it.
Pretty much as soon a i had finished that, UPS arrived outside and delivered the boot liner kit, so i measured up the amp onto the back board and drilled holes for all the wires and screwed it in to place.
Tomorrow morning, i'm going to soundproof the panel, rewire everything to the boot, fit the boot kit and wire up the subs.
Posted 06 March 2010 - 09:40 PM
First thing i did was to re-wire the mono amp from under the passenger seat to the boot. New earth point on the rear bulkhead, rewired the ignition wire, RCA cables and 12V feed.
The amp was then screwed to the back board of the boot liner kit and all the wires were attached. The boot kit was then fitted - it looks mint.
The next thing was to line both panels with sound deadening material. It's actually quite easy to apply if anyone was wondering. You just peel off the back and stick it straight on. You need to clean the panel first of all and get off any grease or dirt. I also used a hair dryer to apply the sound deadening. It makes the sticky backing more pliable and easier to smooth onto the panel.
It was then time for the enclosures finally to be fitted, and speaker cabling to be wired in.
It looks and sounds brilliant. On first fitting, i still had the problem of one of the enclosures not quite fitting into the bin, but i fixed it later in the afternoon with a hammer. I realised the bin was bent in at the top where it shouldn't have been so a couple of knocks with the hammer and the enclosure slid in. Its a very tight fit but it just means that rattling between the box and car/panel will be at a minimum.
After fitting it all, i went for a little spin to try it all out and really crank up the volume. Apart from some minimal knocking when the bass is really up where the enclosure rattles againt the car, sound quality and clarity if brilliant. I'll put up a video tomorrow.
First box all made up & test fitted:
Sound deadening:
First enclosure all carpeted, wired, sub fitted and in place:
Second enclosure:
Final result: (It doesn't look symmetrical because the right hand box hasn't been put in place properly)
So thats it!! About two weeks of planning, spending, fabricating and fitting and i think it looks and sounds brilliant. What does everybody else think??
The next project is to make some door bin pods for component speakers. It won't be for a while though, probably not until summer after uni finishes because i have so little money now after this little escapade. A new thread will be started when i eventually get going.
Posted 06 March 2010 - 09:48 PM
Just remember to take them out for your MOT - as the boxes get in the way of the seatbelts they will fail you.
And send me a few pictures of the boot lining kit for the website gallery
Posted 06 March 2010 - 11:02 PM
Looking nice!
Just remember to take them out for your MOT - as the boxes get in the way of the seatbelts they will fail you.
And send me a few pictures of the boot lining kit for the website gallery
I'l take a few pictures tomorrow and post them in the morning
Posted 07 March 2010 - 03:58 PM
Roberts, by all means use them for your website.
So what does everyone think of the build??
Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:36 AM
Posted 08 March 2010 - 11:55 AM
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