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Playing Cards, Calendars, Etc

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#1 Black.Ghost


    Formerly known as TneMini.

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Posted 09 May 2012 - 01:50 PM

I have been trying to think of some ways to make some extra money, nothing major and more for something to do in my spare time really. Having looked around, it seems that personalised playing cards are pretty expensive, I am sure I could do them a lot cheaper. This obviously means less profit margins and invariably a slightly lower quality but a highly personalised service.

The possibilities for the personalisation are endless really. There would be no limit to the design of the cards, and each card could have its own picture, for example 52 different wedding pictures, or 52 different Minis or 52 naked women if you so wish. Obviously I would have to be careful not to infringe on any copyrights.

I could also offer a personalised card board box for them as well, they are pretty easy to make.

I was thinking this could develop into designing calendars and other stationary as well if there was enough demand. Often if you want calendars you have to have several printed at once making it more expensive.

I couldn't run this full time and it would just be in my spare time mostly.

What are people's thoughts on this? Do people still play cards in the traditional ways? Any feedback at all much appreciated. If you think it's a terrible idea, tell me. If you want to make an order already tell me :lol:


Mods - if this is in the wrong area, please feel free to move. I did look in the traders area but the products and services enquires all seems to be mini related and more requests on where people can find stuff as opposed to gauging interest for ideas etc.

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