so I thought I would experiment with LED bulbs on my
mini. Im always looking for ways to be more visible on the roads as other drivers can be numpties at times!
so the first one i did was about a year ago
I changed the clock lights to LEDs and this was the result

compared to the normal filament bulbs the brightness was the same but the colour was whiter and made the dials much more clear so over all a positive improvement
then rear brake/tail lights
bearing in mind that these were advertised as super bright this is the result with LEDs on the right and standard filament ones on the left

so a bit of a disappointment there! These LEDs are clearly not as bright as the standard ones although are recommended for use in tail lights.
The numberplate lights were the last ones I checked today
here again LEDs on the rights and standard ones on the left

The LEDs seem to be slightly brighter but over a smaller area so without the light from my house the N becomes slightly hard to see. The Standard ones in comparison seem to illuminate the entire left hand side which from my point of view is far superior and I personally prefer the more orange glow compared to what ends up being blue from the LEDs.
From these three I have tested so far i shall only be using the clock lights as they are the only ones with any improvement.
I have rear indicators, fog light and interior light coming this week so I will post my findings when I test them. I am hoping for better results with these.
hope this will help someone
Edited by MrElliott, 16 December 2014 - 06:33 PM.