Usual late night idea thread.....
I am a big fan of carbon fibre items on cars. The problem being, for a part made of 100% carbon fibre (Carbon Weezle, Arc Angels, curley etc etc), you are going to pay a fair amount of money for it.
This is where carbon skinning comes into its own! It is effectively adding a layer of carbon fibre cloth over a metal/plastic/wooden part and applying resin and lacquers to make it appear like a full carbon item. It is not to be confused with the cheap and unrealistic 3M wrap you will no doubt have seen before. Obviously its not for lightweight applications as really you are adding weight, however it does look great and can really modernise or extend the life of an old part.
I was wondering if people would be interested in this for their Minis and if so, what would you expect to pay, taking into account the cost and labour involved in skinning the parts? It would obviously be with parts supplied, not bought and then skinned for you but you get the idea.
As I see it, there is nothing out there for carbon skinning mini items specifically so thought I would ask!
Any thoughts, positive or negative appreciated!
Andrew :)