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Fixed Bootlid On 10Cm To Prevent Air Circulation In The Engine Bay

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#1 Renessy


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 03:40 PM

Guys, I have a problem and maybe some of you have the same….


When driving (especially on the highway) there is a turbulence under the car which is caught by my zeemax kit and the bootlid. This air flows over the engine making my bulkhead look more like a balloon. The air is sort of circulating over the engine. This results in hot air being pushed through every hole it can find to the passenger bay. It get’s hot in there!

I already have big holes behind my number plate but that is insufficient to stop the circulating air.


I am planning to put a stop to this by opening the bootlid for a cm or 10….. Hot air wil float up and out instead of circulate.


The problem is how??


The boot needs to stay open but has to be opened fully when needed.


Has anybody got some ideas or examples of this idea. It has to be done before by someone.


Any help is appreciated.







#2 Northernpower


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 04:02 PM

There shouldn't be any air holes between the cabin and the boot, the rear bulkhead/parcel shelf should be sealed. I seem to remember reading on one of the 16v threads where they had put the radiator in the boot, they discovered the boot lid becomes an area of low pressure at speed. If that's the case, you need to consider the vacuuming of exhaust fumes back into the cabin. It's certainly worth you investigating further before you start making adjustments. Others on the site may know more information.

#3 Renessy


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 06:51 PM

That may be so but they have there back seats and boot intact..... Therefore the aerodynamics are different I think....


Hope others will fill in the blacks about this....

#4 Northernpower


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 06:57 PM

That may be so but they have there back seats and boot intact..... Therefore the aerodynamics are different I think....
Hope others will fill in the blacks about this....

I'm talking about a front engine with the radiator at the rear.

#5 Renessy


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 07:34 PM

Exactly, and I have the engine in the back....  

#6 Northernpower


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Posted 16 May 2018 - 07:39 PM

Exactly, and I have the engine in the back....  

Ok, I didn't realise, hopefully someone will be able to confirm the low pressure.

#7 Furyan


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Posted 17 May 2018 - 12:01 AM

I use one of these on my track car Attached File  ad3cd736327151a0b8b7e6a36b414d970bfdd726.jpg   48.89K   4 downloadsinstead of the rear window and also have the boot lid vented similar to this  available from ABS Motorsport Attached File  Space-Frame-lowered-Shell-Boot-Lid-1.jpg   30.19K   0 downloads


If thats too extreme try panelling in under the engine to help restrict the air getting in and opening your rear side windows a couple of inches to help the air escape


If you just want to try and open the boot lid a bit try using a couple of those small gas struts that you get on kitchen door cupboards, you'll have to adapt/make a couple of brackets but should be easy enough.

#8 Renessy


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Posted 17 May 2018 - 04:12 PM

I have panels over the engine so opening the rear side windows wont help that much. Panelling onder the engine doesn't sound right to me. That way the engine won't have any cooling while riding....


I will look into those gas struts you mentioned. Thanks for the idea

#9 Painter man

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Posted 17 May 2018 - 06:03 PM

David the owner of the new z cars has a good set up on his own car he has a electric stepper motor to open his boot when car gets up to temp when moving

#10 minisilverbullet


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Posted 18 May 2018 - 10:09 AM

A weird suggestion maybe - but could one of these be adapted? - https://www.ebay.com...I4AAOxy8slST~Gu

#11 nicklouse


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Posted 18 May 2018 - 10:17 AM

Ok as with anything to do with air flow you must have a pressure deferential or nothing will happen. having a open back where the pressure at the back of the car is not less than the pressure in the engine bay will result in a poor cooling result.


think more of some NCCA ducts and possibly something under the car to such air into the engine bay so you have a higher pressure there than there is at the rear of the car. you will then get air flow over the engine and out of any opening in the rear.

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