1983 Mini City
Posted 17 July 2024 - 08:53 PM
Adjusted the bonnet pin, it was pulling the bonnet too far downwards, so backed it off a few turns, much better alignment along the inside of the wing.
Posted 21 July 2024 - 08:19 PM
Car seems to be running good, engine temp nice and steady just on N.
I've a very slight knock when releasing the clutch to pull off, tried to rock the engine by hand but it seems to be as steady as a rock. I did notice that the inner poly bush on the top engine steady had started to crack, need to see if I have a replacement in my spares box.

Next big run is on the 4th August to Hillsborough for the Mourne Mini Club annual show, so that will be a 160km round trip.
Posted 27 July 2024 - 04:38 PM

Now it needs a good clean and polish, ready for Mourne Mini clubs annual show at Hillsborough Castle & Gardens.
Posted 05 August 2024 - 02:26 PM
Rain put a dampener on proceedings, closing in shortly before 2pm and remaining constant for the rest of the outing.

Next up is the Causeway coast mini meeting in Portrush on 1st September, about 200kms there so that's a weekend away.
Posted 06 August 2024 - 09:22 AM
Only about 2 miles for me
Posted 18 August 2024 - 08:10 PM
Took it out for a spin for ice cream this evening, loaded up the wife and kids and set off. Came to a junction to turn onto a minor road and lost power on the approach, thankfully there was a small housing estate just off the road that I managed to free wheel to. Cranked and cranked again and not firing, checked plugs to see if I had flooded it, all dry. Disconnected and reconnected the wires to coil and it started up straight away.
I think I'm going to run a new ignition feed wire to the coil, the ends had new connectors a few weeks ago but the wire inside was a bit corroded looking. I've a new electronic dizzy to go in, but need a 0.8ohms coil for that, so that's the next job on the list.
At least I got my ice cream and an uneventful journey back home!
Edited by colinf1, 18 August 2024 - 08:12 PM.
Posted 31 August 2024 - 09:14 PM

Was late kicking off so most of the run was at dusk, with the last leg back to accommodation in darkness, the 1st time driving it at night...low beams bit of light, high beam a bit of light in the distance...I hate to see what the standard sealed beam lights are like!
Posted 02 September 2024 - 05:26 PM

Total distance traveled was about 425km (264miles) at roughly 45mpg (6.2L/100) which was pretty good. Car had zero issues the entire weekend, we done the last leg of the journey home of 1hr 45min in a continuous stint, took a while to loosen up my stiff back once pulled up at my house!
Posted 03 September 2024 - 06:55 PM
Thankfully wasn't too far from work that one of the service lads could bring me a few new connections. New ones on but still no start, then unplugged and replugged the wire from dizzy to alternator and it fired up.
I need to upgrade my in-car tool bag to have some wiring connectors, plus the cap came off my bottle of 3 in 1 oil, soaked the bottom of the bag and some other stuff in the boot!
Edited by colinf1, 03 September 2024 - 06:55 PM.
Posted 06 September 2024 - 05:53 PM
I need to swap out the passenger door striker plate, one tapped hole won't tighten so door keeps coming out of alignment. Should have a good spare one that will need cleaning and painting.
Edited by colinf1, 08 September 2024 - 06:08 PM.
Posted 08 September 2024 - 06:07 PM
Would start, but only stay running for a couple of seconds. Wouldn't restart. Wiggled a few wire, still wouldn't start. Checked the wires for voltage with multimeter, was only getting 5v from the ballast on key on, getting 12v at coil when cranking.
Decided to swap out the dizzy for an electronic unit from minispares, and of course that needed a 0.8ohms coil and a 12v feed. Instead of running a new wire, I just moved the output wire from the ballast to the input 12v, and left the ballast in place for now.
Got the dizzy installed roughly in the same position as the old one came out, fired up straight away, timing set to around 10btdc as it was too bright on the driveway to see the very faint timing light.
Idle needs to be adjusted now as it's around 1200rpm.
I'm not sure what's gone wrong with the 59d and lumenation setup, maybe it's the ballast resistor, maybe it's the points/condenser...

Probably only a few more runs before it heads back to the shed for the winter 😥
Posted 09 September 2024 - 05:51 AM
Posted 09 September 2024 - 08:39 PM
All serviceable parts on the 59d had been changed just before getting it on the road, and about 3,000kms on it between this summer and last. Plugs are BP6ES gapped to 0.8mm.
Posted 09 September 2024 - 08:48 PM
Ok, are you using the existing mini ballast wire as well as the white ballast resistor included with the coil? If you are using both you’ll be cutting the voltage to something like 5v
I’d also change the plug gaps to 25thou (0.6 to 0.65mm) for a points system, although 0.8mm is good for 65D
Edited by timmy850, 09 September 2024 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 26 September 2024 - 06:50 PM
Dropping to 11v when running then after a few moments it will creep back up to 14.4v, then a few minutes later it will drop back down again.
Lights and wipers going at the time, the wipers definitely slow down with the lower voltage.
I have verified reading on ashtray clock with multimeter, check and cleaned all connection on alternator and the wiring block to alternator.
Still getting the same issues.
With all the heavy rain the past few days has resulted in a wet passenger foot well. Looks like the rain is getting in around the wiper box spacers, dripping down onto bulkhead and getting in through the blanking plate. Had a dehumidifier running in it all day so it's not as bad now. Will lift the carpet and get it fully dry.
Mourne run on Saturday, so hoping the weather improves.
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