I didn't manage to get a 'before' picture of the front suspension parts as a whole, but did get this one :

As can be seen, a rear suspension rubber has been fitted up front, which casued much frustration when I was trying to compress it with the tool to dismantle everything. This is only on the LHS. Also, the bump stop has been damaged on the LHS, while the RHS was missing altogether. But overall, it gives an indication of what the condition of everything was.
In the meantime, I have refurbished pretty much everything - just waiting on repair kits for the two upper arms (RHS pin and bearings were completely destroyed upon inspection). The hubs received new Timken taper bearings, new balljoints (lapped these as well, which makes a big difference) and a coat of paint. The drive flanges received some new studs and nuts and a coat of paint as well. The drive shafts/CVs were dismantled and cleaned of all grease and reassembled with some fresh grease and some paint. I reused the rubber boots here because they were still in good condition. The CVs have been replaced in the recent past, but I'm glad I took them apart; the circlips that hold them to the driveshafts were either broken or missing entirely and the quality of the grease was utter garbage.

Not sure about the quality of the adjustable cones, but decided to strip them of paint and polish them up, then fitted some new knuckles (fitted the poly boots from MS on these) :

And lastly, I assembled the backing plates for the front brakes. The same principle as the rear - all new parts here :